Autumn Road Trip: Balloon Fiesta!!!

The alarm sounded at 4 a.m. The first day of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. And we wanted to be there in time for the mass ascension.

We dressed in layers and ventured out into the forty-degree pre-dawn to drive to the local mall where Disney-like lines were forming for the shuttle buses. We had tickets for the 5:30 a.m. shuttle which in reality meant get in line by 5:30, go through a security checkpoint, and board a school bus, eventually.

We finally boarded and joined the crowded route to Balloon Fiesta Park, arriving a bit before 6:30 a.m. It was still dark. When we disembarked, we could see several balloons up in the air already.

The six of us traveled as a pack through the crowds, out onto the field where hundreds of balloons were laid out with their gondola baskets tipped on their sides, in various stages of inflation.

We chose a spot next to one blue and white balloon and watched the process from hook-up to ascension. The heat from the propane blasts felt exceptionally warm and welcomed in the crisp air.

As I tried to figure out a way to organize and share the many, many pictures we took in the chaos between seven and seven-thirty a.m.with a mass ascension of balloons all around us, light dawned. The best way to show how fun and amazing it was, and to replicate some of the chaos, is to throw all the photos at you. Let’s start with the fly-over, just before the mass ascension. Here goes . . .

Had enough yet? Wait! There’s more . . .

It’s hard to wrap your mind around just how big each of these balloons is until you look for the gondola basket hanging below. And there are people in those baskets! If you can, read this post on a full computer or tablet screen to get the best view of all the different balloons.

And in case you need proof we were really there and having fun:

Definitely put the Balloon Fiesta on you bucket list. We’ve checked it off on ours! 🙂

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