Gratitude Spiral: Day 346

Today, I’m grateful for late afternoon sunsets.

As I sit at my computer, I watch the sun set earlier each day right outside my window. I know it means the seasons are changing and winter is coming, but still, it’s a spectacular gift!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 343

Today, I’m grateful for the melting of the early snow.

It’s melted enough to uncover the leaves that need to be raked and dumped into the compost area. It’s not that I love raking, but sometimes it’s just got to be done. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 323

Today, I’m grateful for autumn colors in New England.

We took a trip up north to Vermont last weekend to visit friends, but also to do some leaf-peeping. It turns out that the oranges and yellow were gorgeous, but the deep reds were mostly gone. And when we drove south again, toward home, we discovered the reds on full display. Our part of New England is just reaching its peak colors. What a gift!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 321

Today, I’m grateful for time spent outdoors this past weekend.

Something about being outdoors can lift your spirits and lighten any darkness you might be carrying around. This time of year, a brisk walk, taking in the views of changing foliage, can be the best medicine for the soul. I’m grateful for taking time to do just that.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 301

Today, I’m grateful for the first full day of autumn, 2020. I know it started yesterday, mid-morning, but today is autumn all day. 🙂

In spite of the ongoing pandemic and the virtual shutdown of normal life, the year 2020 marches on. It’s hard to believe that summer is over. But, then again, we’ve had a couple of frosty mornings here in New England recently, so it’s not that hard. The cool weather is a nice change and the colors of fall are creeping in. So, I guess it’s best to enjoy this natural art show while we can, before winter blows in. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 289

Today, I’m grateful for the leaves beginning to change color.

Here comes autumn in New England! The tops and tips of the neighborhood’s trees are showing red. Every morning, when I go for my walk, I can see the yellows and reds growing more abundant. Before we know it, those leaves will be falling and blowing, and summer will be a memory.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 288

Today, I’m grateful for milkweed seeds floating in the air.

These large green pods crack open at the end of the summer here in New England and release hundreds, if not thousands, of seed-carrying fluffs. The soft white feathery fluffs floating through the air are an unmistakeable sign of the changing seasons. Nature renewing itself. 🙂


What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 4

Today, I’m grateful for this first day of December which, in my home, means a change of decorations is in order. Out with the autumn leaves and in with snowflakes and a Christmas tree! A little sparkle in the face of an impending nor’easter. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Come, My Spirit


Come, my spirit,
we’ve been to dark places that seem to be the end.

Come, see the red-gold flutter of trees
against a blue enamel sky.

Come, hear the solid thunk-thunk of a woodpecker
searching; the crispy crunch of leaves shed
like so much dead skin.

Come, smell the spice of just cut grass.

Come, feel the cool breeze that sends
a quiver of living across your cheek.