Gratitude Spiral: Day 365

Today, I’m grateful for Thanksgiving Day and the completion of a year of traveling the Spiral path of Gratitude.

It began on Thanksgiving Day 2019 and has come, day by day, to Thanksgiving Day 2020. As I stated in the first Gratitude Spiral post, I wanted “to come around to gratitude over and over again, but be moved forward or outward, like a spiral.” I was aiming for a new place. A more grateful and appreciative place. And I think that’s where I’ve landed. What about you?

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 364

Today, I’m grateful for all of you who read this blog.

I appreciate that you are reading this Gratitude Spiral, whether you’ve followed it from the beginning or joined in somewhere along the way. I hope you’ve been encouraged to consider what you’re most grateful for in your lives. And I’d like to know…

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 363

Today, I’m grateful for the way Covid-19 has taught us all to appreciate people and things we used to take for granted.

Doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers, supermarket employees, teachers, childcare workers, hairstylist, and many others have earned our respect and admiration, not to mention our gratitude, for all they do. Family, friends, and members of our clubs and classes and choirs, that we saw on a regular basis last year, are now on our lists of people we miss and can’t wait to see again. And we appreciate them all the more. Let’s hope this lesson of gratitude and appreciation is not lost on us when the danger of Covid-19 is behind us.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 362

Today, I’m grateful for writing advice.

I’ve attended workshops & classes, read books & blogs on writing, and even get emails full of writing advice. Most of it is very helpful. And most of it boils down to one very important exhortation: just do it. Practice. Use those writing muscles often. Keep the creative juices flowing or they’ll start to clog the system — and no one wants that.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 361

Today, I’m grateful for turtlenecks.

No, not turtle’s necks. 🙂 Turtleneck shirts. I look forward to the cooler weather just so I can pull out my turtlenecks to wear. They’re so comfy and cozy, keeping my neck warm (since my hair is short and doesn’t cover my neck). A simple pleasure.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 360

Today, I’m grateful for the number 360, which makes me think of a circle.

And, although this is a Gratitude Spiral, I’ve come around full circle to the time of year when I started it. In less than a week I’ll complete a year of daily gratitude posts. And for that, I’m grateful.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 359

Today, I’m grateful for a new home aide for Mum.

Starting today, a woman whom my Dad & I interviewed a couple of weeks ago will visit my mother three mornings a week. She seems pleasant and well-qualified. Hopefully, things will go smoothly. I’ll probably still visit once or twice a week, but it’ll take some of the pressure off my schedule. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 358

Today, I’m grateful for hope.

It comes in a variety of sizes. There’s the hope that wakes up with me in the morning, looking forward to a new day. There’s the hope to attain some level of success as I map out my goals. And there’s the momentous hope for a better future for all, and the hope that I can do my part in it.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 357

Today, I’m grateful for shooting stars.

Yesterday morning, I got up around 5am and stepped out onto my back deck to catch the tail end of the peak of the Leonid meteor shower. In the pre-dawn chill, I stayed outside for less than ten minutes, but managed to see a few short streaks of light just above the western tree line. When my kids were little, I’d wake them up in the middle of the night and we’d bundle up and lie on the back porch, watching the sky. These days, I treasure my sleep, so I took my chances at 5am. And was rewarded. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 356

Today, I’m grateful for a flu shot during this pandemic.

I bit the bullet and made an appointment for my flu shot today. I hate shots. (Does anyone love them?) But I know it’s the responsible thing to do right now, especially with an even worse virus going around. So, I’m thankful for being able to put aside the discomfort for the sake of my health and the health of those around me.

What are you grateful for today?