Gratitude Spiral: Day 348

Today, I’m grateful for sitting around a fire pit with friends this past weekend.

It’s a simple thing, yet in this time of cautiously keeping our distance from one another, it’s nice to get together and just be in the moment, together.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 294

Today, I’m grateful for my first best friend whose birthday happens to be today.

We live in different states now and don’t communicate except via an occasional Facebook post, but I have fond memories of sleepovers and fun times together in grade school. She moved away in sixth grade and it took a long time to realize that I needed to let go and move on. Long after she’d let go of me. But such are the lessons of growing up. I’m thankful to have had her friendship.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 291

Today, I’m grateful for yesterday’s parking lot get-together with friends.

I hadn’t seen my chorus-mates face to face in more than six months. We meet online every week, but it’s just not the same. One of our members secured permission for us to use a local church’s parking lot and we gathered, safely, socially distant from each other, for some much needed in-person socializing. What fun!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 290

Today, I’m grateful for a Color Street manicure, just because.

A friend of mine is one of two local women I know who have started their own Color Street businesses. They sell nail polish strips and, more importantly, bring fun and beauty into other people’s lives. I don’t normally use nail polish. I’m not the type to get regular work done on my nails. But every once in a while it can be a treat. And it’s so easy to do with these polish strips.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 213

Today, I’m grateful for a friend’s boat and her generosity in sharing a ride yesterday with a small group of us who were able to socially distance ourselves in the four corners of the boat. The sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing — a beautiful day to be on the water!

What are you grateful for today?


Gratitude Spiral: Day 208

Today, I’m grateful for a talented friend.

She came for a socially distant visit on my back deck the other day. And she brought me this beautifully painted rock! What a blessing!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 55

Today, I’m grateful for old friends.

In the past year or so, I’ve gotten back in touch with a few people I knew back in the 1980s. Our paths diverged and we lost touch, but communicating with them again feels like coming home. It’s like saying ‘Yes — that’s who I am. And I’ve become who I am because I knew you when.’

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 53

Today, I’m grateful for the friend who texted me yesterday offering to show me a new way to treat my fingernails.

I’m not one to paint my nails or go for manicures on a regular basis. In fact, I may only do it once or twice a year for a special occasion. But my friend sells Color Street nails, press-on nail polish sheets that are fun and easy. What a treat to wake up today with lovely lavender nails! 🙂

What are you grateful for today?