Gratitude Spiral: Day 239

Today, I’m grateful for small adventures.

I roped my husband into riding around town the other night, trying to find a clear spot to view the passing comet, Neowise. We found a spot and saw the comet using binoculars. It was low in the sky, very light, a faint smudge, really. But we saw it. And the best part was that we had a mini-adventure together. Isn’t that always the best part? 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 236

Today, I’m grateful for grief.

None of us wants to grieve. But to feel grief is to prove that love exists. We can’t grieve without first being able to open our hearts to let someone else’s story, someone else’s journey, intersect with ours. Love and grief are two sides of the same coin, and we are richer for allowing ourselves to experience the whole spinning mess of it.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 28

Today, I’m grateful for my faith, which leads me to celebrate Christmas on this day.

Raised in a Catholic household, renewed in a faith-filled church youth group, supported and challenged in my spiritual journey as an adult, I continue to grow and to learn what it truly means to love God and my neighbor.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 23

Today, I’m grateful for my husband. 🙂

I haven’t posted gratitude for any family members yet because I thought, of course I’m grateful for them! But it’s worth saying. So, I’m thankful for my partner in life, in adventure, in difficulty, in faith, in love. I’ve become this version of myself because of the road I travel with him. He accepts me, he challenges me, he shares his dreams with me, he even reads my writings! He works hard, and he loves generously.

Who are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 11

Today, I’m grateful for family.

Mother, father, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, cousins, biological or chosen—most of us have some conglomeration of relatives that may challenge us or annoy us at times, but are always there for us when we need them. They aren’t any more perfect than we ourselves are. And in their midst we learn how to love and how to be loved, for better or worse. What a gift!

What are you grateful for today?