Gratitude Spiral: Day 289

Today, I’m grateful for the leaves beginning to change color.

Here comes autumn in New England! The tops and tips of the neighborhood’s trees are showing red. Every morning, when I go for my walk, I can see the yellows and reds growing more abundant. Before we know it, those leaves will be falling and blowing, and summer will be a memory.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 288

Today, I’m grateful for milkweed seeds floating in the air.

These large green pods crack open at the end of the summer here in New England and release hundreds, if not thousands, of seed-carrying fluffs. The soft white feathery fluffs floating through the air are an unmistakeable sign of the changing seasons. Nature renewing itself. 🙂


What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 285

Today, I’m grateful for a quiet Labor Day weekend.

In a normal year, this weekend would be busy with cookouts and get-togethers. Even if we weren’t hosting a party ourselves, there’d be neighborhood gatherings with lots of cars parked along the streets and lots of people coming and going. Instead, the summer is leaving the same way it arrived—in the midst of a pandemic. And life is quieter, in general.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 279

Today, I’m grateful for this first day of September.

In this strange year, where summer is passing quietly by, I welcome the cooler mornings and the change in the air that means fall is coming. No school-aged children live in my house, but still, the delay of the school year due to Covid-19 makes it feel like I’m holding my breath sometimes. In any case, I’m thankful for this new month that will hopefully bring some changes.

What are you grateful for today?