Gratitude Spiral: Day 144

Today, I’m grateful for the melting of yesterday’s snow.

Mid-April snow is rare, but not impossible, in Southern New England. I don’t think I’ve ever seen snow on my rhododendron blossoms before. It was pretty. But I’m glad today will be warmer and much more spring-like. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 118

Today, I’m grateful for a spring snowstorm.

Its big, fat flakes accumulate on grass and cars and trees, but in the end it’s no match for the rising temperatures of spring. It’s also a nice change of scenery in the midst of social-distancing and keeping close to home.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 21

Today, I’m grateful for helpful neighbors.

Yesterday afternoon, at the tail end of a messy snowstorm, our neighbor plowed our street because the town trucks hadn’t reached us yet. It’s not the first time I’ve experienced neighborliness and I’m sure it won’t be the last. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 13

Today, I’m grateful for the roof over my head. In the past week or so, we’ve seen a foot and a half of snow, single-digit temperatures, and pouring rain in this part of the country. All this weather can be a nuisance. But that’s all it is when we have a warm, dry home to count on. There are those who don’t have that luxury. So, today, I’m thankful that I do.

What about you?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 6

Today, I’m grateful for the beauty of snow.

Plenty of un-beautiful things could be said about it, but today I appreciate the gentle way it falls, the way it lines every branch, twig, and pine needle, the peaceful way it muffles the outdoors, and the way it glows blue in the shadowy places. 🙂

What do you appreciate today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 4

Today, I’m grateful for this first day of December which, in my home, means a change of decorations is in order. Out with the autumn leaves and in with snowflakes and a Christmas tree! A little sparkle in the face of an impending nor’easter. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Celebrating a Record…

Well, it’s official: it’s been a record-breaking year for snowfall amounts in New England! Yipee.

Last winter, I shared my thoughts on The Art of Snow Shoveling. This year, after one particularly deep snowfall, I was out shoveling (duh!) when I thought how little my previous advice applied while standing in two or more feet of snow! And I thought, “It’s hard to be methodical when the snow is three feet deep!” The following poem was born. I thought I’d share it on this record-breaking occasion…

Help! I’m Caught in a Snow Drift!

It’s hard to be methodicalapple tree 858
when the snow is three feet deep;
I’ve been shoveling in circles
and can’t seem to find my feet!

I swear they were there at the end of my legs
only a minute ago,
but now I can’t see nor feel them —
I’m numb from hip to toe.

I wonder, will someone notice
the pathway that I shoveled?
I tried to call for help just now,
but the sound was somewhat muffled.

The wind is blowing sideways
and my scarf has frozen flat.
Perhaps they’ll spy the pom-pom
on my smartly knitted hat.

I could use a sip of cocoa
or a nip of something stronger,
for I may be a “hearty New Englander,”
but I can’t take this much longer!

Wait, I see light; maybe someone’s coming
to rescue me somehow.
They’re coming closer, hallelujah!
Oh, crap, it’s only a plow!

cvb 2015