Gratitude Spiral: Day 138

Today, I’m grateful for time spent cleaning the strawberry bed yesterday.

The sun was out then, but not today. I’m glad I got myself outdoors to clean up the sticks and leaf debris from around the strawberry plants. It feels like I’m one step closer to gardening season now. Yay!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 14

Today, I’m grateful for my morning walks. Yesterday, I was able to get outdoors in the sixty degree weather which melted most of the foot and a half of snow we got last week. There’s just something about being outside surrounded by nature that lifts the soul and does a body good!

What are you grateful for today?

Thinking Outside

I saw on the news recently that being outdoors is good for one’s mental health. Duh! This is news? There’s something about the trees, the birds, the expansive sky above, the grass or the mountains under your feet. Right? Why do we need studies to prove what we all already know? Just stepping outside, after being cooped up in an office, in front of a computer screen, or in a house doing dishes and laundry, can make your whole being sigh!

So, I try to take daily walks outside, as much for my brain as for my body. When I finished walking this morning, I picked pea pods, a single cuke, a handful of raspberries, and a decent bowlful of blueberries from my gardens. And I brought them inside. But, as I passed all the flowers in the yard, it dawned on me that I never think to bring them inside. I know people who bring cut flowers in all the time. Why haven’t I? I had no answer for myself, so I grabbed the kitchen shears and went back outside to collect a bouquet.

My point is, if being outdoors can make you happy, then why not bring some of the outdoors in? I’ve got garden-fresh fruits and veggies and a lovely bouquet to boost my spirits. What kind of outdoor treasures do you bring indoors?

You know, they don’t even have to be living things. Just reminders of your connection to the great outdoors. Think about it! Think outside! 🙂