Gratitude Spiral: Day 355

Today, I’m grateful for roasted carrots and parsnips.

On a cold November day in New England, there’s nothing like a helping of roasted root vegetables!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 354

Today, I’m grateful for a cool starry night.

I like to step outdoors after sunset when these warm autumn days are cooling down, and look up at the clear sky full of stars. It’s a quiet beauty that we can easily forget about as we go about our busy daily lives.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 353

Today, I’m grateful for a gracious sister-in-law who was thoughtful enough to invite me to lunch and understanding enough to accept my Covid-cautious decline. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 352

Today, I’m grateful for my mental health.

It hasn’t always been as strong as it is today, but I’m grateful that I’ve found ways to improve it. I’m thankful that when I wake up in the morning, I want to get out of bed, and when things don’t go the way I want them to, I can usually find ways to cope. It hasn’t always been this way. So, I’m thankful today.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 351

Today, I’m grateful for early morning food shopping.

These days, just going to the store is a risky operation. I’m thankful that I have the means and the opportunity to do my food shopping early, soon after the store opens. That way, I avoid the crowds and much of the risk.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 350

Today, I’m grateful for a new garden bed area all ready for winter.

I started clearing a section of the lawn this summer, in order to expand my garden footprint. But plans got put on hold and I needed to cover it for the winter. Many leaves, paper bags, and cardboard boxes later, it’s now settled until next spring when the project will hopefully be completed.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 349

Today, I’m grateful for a coat of sealant on our back deck.

I put it off all summer but, thanks to a streak of warm November weather, was able to check it off my to-do list yesterday. It’s not one of my favorite jobs, but I’m grateful for the opportunity, the physical ability, and the resources to get it done.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 348

Today, I’m grateful for sitting around a fire pit with friends this past weekend.

It’s a simple thing, yet in this time of cautiously keeping our distance from one another, it’s nice to get together and just be in the moment, together.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 347

Today, I’m grateful for my husband, who’s celebrating his birthday this weekend.

There are so many reasons to be thankful for him. My life has been blessed for the past forty years, since that November youth retreat to which a mutual friend invited him. My life has never been the same. And I’m grateful. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 346

Today, I’m grateful for late afternoon sunsets.

As I sit at my computer, I watch the sun set earlier each day right outside my window. I know it means the seasons are changing and winter is coming, but still, it’s a spectacular gift!

What are you grateful for today?