Gratitude Spiral: Day 329

Today, I’m grateful for gathering green tomatoes before the frost.

Mornings have indeed been frosty, so it was time to pick what I could and let them ripen indoors. The only question now is who’s going to eat them all when they ripen?! 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 318

Today, I’m grateful for tomatoes ripening on the window sill.

This time of year there are plenty of green tomatoes outdoors that just don’t seem to want to turn red. But if they’re starting to lighten in color, they may just ripen faster indoors in a sunny window. And who wouldn’t want a fresh tomato in October? 🙂

What are you grateful for today?


Gratitude Spiral: Day 268

Today, I’m grateful for Brandywine beefsteak tomatoes.

Some of the ripening tomatoes in my garden are literally a handful and a half! If I can deter the squirrels long enough, they turn a deep, meaty red. And they’re oh, so sweet!

What are you grateful for today?

August Treasures

Every August, I look forward to the blooming of the hibiscus at the corner of my front yard, with it’s lunch-plate sized blossoms. It never disappoints!

The Rose of Sharon trees follow suit.


The honey crisp apples begin to ripen and so do the tomatoes!


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The Sneeze Weed is in full bloom. . .

the Hydrangea & Zinnias are hanging on. . .


and the Coleus still stands its ground brilliantly. 🙂