Gratitude Spiral: Day 268

Today, I’m grateful for Brandywine beefsteak tomatoes.

Some of the ripening tomatoes in my garden are literally a handful and a half! If I can deter the squirrels long enough, they turn a deep, meaty red. And they’re oh, so sweet!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 265

Today, I’m grateful for neighbors stopping to admire our hibiscus flowers.

At first glance out my window, my grumpier self thought that the dog-walking neighbors were letting their dogs use my corner bush as a dumping ground. Then, I realized they were photographing the hibiscus flowers. What a happy thing to have something that brings joy to passers-by! And a few minutes later, I saw another neighborhood family doing the same thing. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 256

Today, I’m grateful for zinnias.

For the last few years, I’ve bought zinnia seedlings from The Herb Farmacy in Salisbury, MA. There are so many fun, colorful varieties. I keep meaning to grow them from seed myself, but each year I seem to forget, until it’s too late. So, I’m thankful to have any at all to brighten up my garden.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 249

Today, I’m grateful for the hibiscus blooming at the front corner of our yard.

Almost every year, like clockwork, it blooms on the first day of August. The lunch-plate sized flowers open their pink and white faces to the sun and last a few days each. As the first flowers droop, more open, making a spectacle for passers-by for at least the rest of the month.

What are you grateful for today?

August Treasures

Every August, I look forward to the blooming of the hibiscus at the corner of my front yard, with it’s lunch-plate sized blossoms. It never disappoints!

The Rose of Sharon trees follow suit.


The honey crisp apples begin to ripen and so do the tomatoes!


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The Sneeze Weed is in full bloom. . .

the Hydrangea & Zinnias are hanging on. . .


and the Coleus still stands its ground brilliantly. 🙂


Glimpses of an August Garden . . .

The pole beans are producing, even as many other plants and flowers are past their peak and turning yellow or brown. Here, I’ve got some help with pole bean pest control:


Every August, this beautiful hibiscus produces blooms the size of lunch plates:


DSC_1235I like to try something new each year. I found this bell pepper plant at the Herb Farmacy in May. I had no idea peppers came in amethyst!

How’s your garden?