Gratitude Spiral: Day 274

Today, I’m grateful for the challenge of creating a new garden layout.

I’m tired of feeling helpless as squirrels, chipmunks, and a groundhog treat my vegetable garden like their own personal restaurant. So, I’ve asked a local contractor to help design an enclosure to keep them out. Of course, I’m still waiting to find out how much it might cost me. While I wait, it’s fun to map out the best use of the space inside it. Hopefully, I’ll get to implement the plans for next year’s growing season. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 269

Today, I’m grateful for fried zucchini.

We’ve only got one zucchini plant in the garden, but it’s producing plenty. When we’re eating it everyday, it’s fun to change up the recipes. For fried zucchini, I slice it up, dip the slices in egg, coat them with teff (a whole grain similar to breadcrumbs) to which I’ve added salt & pepper & other spices, then fry in a pan coated with olive oil. Yum!

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 247

Today, I’m grateful for the long green cucumbers getting longer and fatter in my garden every day. Can’t wait to taste one. 😉

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 245

Today, I’m grateful for the first small green butternut squash growing in my garden this season.

Hopefully, the local groundhog is long gone and won’t devour it, like he or she did last summer.

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 232

Today, I’m grateful for beets growing in the garden.

The beet greens are getting bigger, but it’s hard to tell how big the beets might be, down in the soil. I’ve heard these greens are great in salads, so I may just have to pick one for the greens, no matter what size the beet below is.  Looking forward to it. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?


Gratitude Spiral: Day 205

Today, I’m grateful for the first (and hopefully not last) pea pod from my garden.

The groundhog enjoyed the tender shoots of most of my pea plants this year, and those plants are slowly coming back. But a couple were spared. This morning, I picked one lone pea pod. There’s still a possibility the groundhog could return, so there’s no guarantee of more. But still I’m hoping. 🙂

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude Spiral: Day 186

Today, I’m grateful for the roll of garden netting I found in our shed last night.

We discovered, as we watched from the back deck, that the neighborhood groundhog can fit through the holes in the garden fence. I knew it’d already been in there at least once, since most of the leaves on the small butternut squash plant had been eaten. So  frustrating! Now, the netting is stretched along inside the fence. Maybe the groundhog will move on to an easier target now? Fingers crossed.

What are you grateful for today?